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Board Elections


Scroll to bottom for application.

The Downtown Chula Vista Association is currently soliciting applications for new Downtown Chula Vista Board Members.  If you are interested in being considered in the future, you must fulfill the eligibility requirements.


In order to be eligible, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Property Owner Directors shall be owners of real property within the boundaries of the Downtown Chula Vista PBID (“District”), who have made full payment of all PBID assessments due for the previous and current fiscal years, or the duly appointed authorized representative of such owner.
  2. Community at Large Directors shall be persons who a) own and operate a business located on property within the boundaries of the District, or the duly appointed authorized representative (as defined in these Bylaws) of such owner and operator; b) are community members who reside within the boundaries of the District; c) are individuals who do not reside or operate a business within the District boundaries but who show a high degree of interest and concern for the welfare of the District and who understand its connection to the community at-large, and who the Board believes may assist the Corporation to fulfill its goals as a public benefit Corporation.
  3. Directors shall be appointed to the Board of Directors based upon:
    a. Their support for the goals of the public benefit corporation.
    b. Their ongoing participation on at least one of the Committees of the Board of Directors, prior to their election/appointment to the Board. This provision shall be waived during the first year of the establishment of the Corporation; however, every Board member shall be expected to be active in one of the Committees of the Board.
    c. Their willingness to support the programs and activities of the Corporation for the betterment of Downtown Chula Vista district.
  4. Complete and submit the Board of Directors’ Application for nomination to the Board.


Once complete, email to Michelle Mercado at or drop off at the Downtown Chula Vista Association office.

2024 DCVA Board Nominations Application