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Public Records Act (PRA) Request

The Greater Third Avenue Improvement Association (GTAIA), doing business as the Downtown Chula Vista Association (DCVA), is committed to transparency and providing easy access to public records pursuant to the California Public Records Act (CPRA). The California Public Records Act (PRA) gives the public the right to access records created and maintained by public agencies in the course of their normal business. 

Third Avenue Village Association (TAVA) documents can be requested from GTAIA/DCVA until the seventh (7th) year of the corporation’s disestablishment.

Publicly Available Records

Many Association records are available online or can be obtained following a Public Records Act Request process.

How to file a Public Records Act Request

To request documents from the Association, anyone can fill out the online Public Records Request Form.

Submit a PRA Request

Information About CPRA Request Submissions

The Association is subject to California laws relating to public records. All information contained in a CPRA request, including a requester's information, is considered public record, and may be subject to public inspection, pursuant to Government Code Section 6252(e).

Public Records

Pursuant to Government Code Section 6252(e), a public record is defined as “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public's business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics.”

Public records requests may be used to obtain "agency records," which include a wide variety of documents and other materials (including print, photographic, and electronic formats) that were created or obtained by the agency and are, at the time the request is filed, in the agency's possession and control. The CPRA excludes certain categories of records from disclosure.


What contact information should I include on my request?

Requesters are strongly encouraged to provide at least some contact information. Providing an email address will allow the Association staff to send you notifications regarding the status of your request.

Who can see my contact information?

Requester’s contact information is not published. However, all information sent and received by any Association employee is subject to the CPRA; therefore, any communications and data exchanged or provided to the Association is a public record and may be released in response to a public records request.

How detailed should my request be?

The Association strongly recommends including details that will facilitate a focused search:

  • Describe the nature of the record being requested and/or provide the name or identification number of the records to the best of your knowledge.
  • Provide the time frame or date range you are interested in, for example: Fiscal Year 2021 or from February 2020 to present.
  • When possible, identify the Association employees that may be involved in the subject matter.
  • Avoid abbreviations.
  • When applicable, provide specific addresses, block numbers (for example, the 300 block of Third Avenue), or an intersection.

How does the Association process Public Records Request?

The Association responds to requests for public records via email or by other methods of communication submitted by requestor that allows for written communication pursuant to the CPRA, Government Code sections 6250 et seq. Pursuant to Government Code section 6253, the Association will determine whether it has disclosable records within 10 days from receipt of a request. In some instances, depending on the complexity of the request, the Association may take a 14-day extension in which to conduct a search to determine whether responsive records exist.

If disclosable records exist, the Association will make every effort to provide responsive non-exempt records within a reasonable timeframe; however, response times will vary depending on the types and volume of records requested and the scope or timeframe of the request.

Are there any fees or charges for public recodes requests?

The Association may charge for the actual costs of duplicating paper records. Fees for copies are $.25 per page, unless the requested record has an established statutory fee. There is no charge for electronic records that are provided via email.

When may public records be inspected?

In general, electronic records identified as responsive to CPRA requests are made available via email.

Public records maintained at the Association’s Office are open to inspection during regular office hours: 8:30pm to 3:30pm, Monday through Friday, except for Association recognized holidays. Due to limited staffing, it is encouraged to call the Association’s Office in advance, at 619-422-1982, to be sure staff is present when you arrive. The Association’s Office is located at 353 Third Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910.